Friday, January 15, 2016

BAOFENG GT3 II (Manual Programming)

Hello and welcome back.... I thought i would show how to program a Baofeng radio manually (for those who don't have a programming cable)

I did a review of this radio a few posts ago Click Here

The menu system is used to change how the radio works, output power, change language, vox, and many other things.

1. Press MENU, then press the number from the menu below
2. Press Menu again to access the selected setting
3. Use the arrow up or down (or number) to select desired setting
4. Press Menu again to lock in setting, press EXIT.
You have to do this sequence in about 5 sec or the radio reverts back to listening mode.

0 = SQL (Squelch level) 0-9 (mine is on 2)
1 = Step Frequency - 2.5/ 5/ 6.25/ 10/ 12.5/ 25 kHz
2 = TXP - Transmit Power - High (4w) or Low (1w)
3 = SAVE - Battery Save mode - off/ 1/ 2/ 3/ 4
4 = VOX - Voice operated transmission
5 = W/N - Wide or Narrowband
6 = ABR - Display light - 1-5 sec
7 = TDR - Duel Reception (used in Frequency Mode)
8 = BEEP - Keypad Beep - on/off
9 = TOT - Transmitting Timer
10 = R-DCS - Reception Digital Code Squelch
11 = R-CTCS - Receive Tone
12 = T-DCS -
13 = T-CTCS - 
14 = Voice Prompt - english / chinese
15 = ANI-ID Code
17 = S-CODE - 1-15
18 = SC-REV - TO,  CO,  SE
19 = PTT-ID - BOT,  EOT,  BOTH,  OFF
20 = PTT-LT - 0-50
21 = MDF-A - FREQ,  CH,  NAME (Freq mode, Ch A) (only used if programmed by computer)
22 = MDF-B - FREQ,  CH,  NAME (Freq mode, Ch B) (only used if programmed by computer)
23 = BUSY CH LOCKOUT - On/ Off
24 = AUTOLOCK - Lock Keypad
25 = SFT-D - Freq Direction - +, -, off
26 = OFFSET (Offset Freq)
27 = MEM-CH - Ch Mode (used for entering frequency in Ch Mode)
28 = DEL-CH - Ch Mode (used for deleting frequency in Ch Mode)
29 = WT-LED - Back Light Selection
30 = RX-LED - Receive  LED colour
31 = TX-LED - Transmit LED colour
32 = AL-MOD - Code,  Site,  Tone
33 = BAND - Band Selection - VHF,  UHF
34 = TDR-AB - A,  B,  OFF
35 = STE - on,  off
36 = RP-STE
37 = RPT-RL
38 = PONMSG - Msg,  Full
39 = ROGER - Roger Beep
40 = RESET - Reset All

There are 2 modes for this radio  = CH (Channel) Mode (VFO) & FREQUENCY Mode (MR)
CH Mode (VFO) is similar to a scanner, you can program frequencies into channels and scan them (very Sloowly), then transmit when stopped on a channel if you want.
Frequency Mode (MR) is listening (or transmitting) on one channel at a time.
Frequency Mode, you can listen to two frequencies at a time if have Duel Mode activated. The little arrow indicator will show you what frequency is active.

Frequency mode is fairly simple, select Frequency mode by pressing the VFO/MR button until you hear 'Frequency Mode', then just enter the frequency and that's it. Using the menu function, you can change output power, step sizes, ect....

CHannel Mode is programmed by staying on Frequency Mode and must be set on using upper frequency (use the A/B button to change).

Delete the channel you plan to use since the radio comes with frequencies already programmed into the radio. To delete, Press MENU - 28 - MENU - Ch No (eg Ch1) - MENU (to confirm) - EXIT

Enter Freqency = MENU - 27 - MENU - Ch No (eg Ch1) - MENU - EXIT

If you have a different transmit and receive frequency, just redo the same Ch No and you will hear 'Transmit Frequency' when you enter the second frequency.

Now press the VFO/MR button to change to 'CHannel Mode' and the set frequencies should be now locked into a channel that you programmed in.

Press and hold the SCAN button (about 3 sec) and the programmed channels will now start to scan, if you want to listen to something, press the EXIT button to stop scanning or to hold on a channel.

If i find anything else, i will add to this post....

Hope this has helped....

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