Thursday, November 21, 2024


Newcastle and Williamtown airport is unique, because the are one of the same. Let me explain..

On one side of the airport is the Newcastle civilian airport that sees over 1.25 million passengers a year with Qantas, Jetsar & Virgin landing daily (also Pelair (Pelican Air) & Link Airways) while just next door is the RAAF base 'Williamtown', home to the F35A fighter jet, the AEW&C E-7A Wedgetail aircraft, & Hawk Mk127 aircraft


F35A Fighter Jet  (above)




Qantas - 129.0250
Pelair Airlines - 129.5250
Jetstar Airlines - 130.2250
Virgin Airlines - 130.6000
Oceania Ground Services - 131.3500
Mills Oakley Lawyers - 131.4500
SITA Tech - 131.5500
Qantas - 131.6500
Jetstar Airlines - 136.1250
Mills Oakley Lawyers - 136.9750
Comms (Rental) (Gencom) - 462.7750
Comms (Rental) (Gencom) - 463.4750
Newcastle Airport Comms - 463.6250
Comms (Rental) (Gencom) - 463.9000
Comms (Rental) (Gencom) - 464.6750
Comms (Rental) (Gencom) - 465.5625
Virgin Airlines - 466.4000
Oceania Ground Services - 472.2000
Oceania Ground Services - 475.1500
TR Telecom - 485.0500
Jetstar Airlines - 505.7750
Jetstar Airlines - 506.7875



Williamtown RAAF - 75.0000
Williamtown Tower (CTAF) - 118.3000
Williamtown RAAF - 119.3000
Brisbane Centre - 120.5500
4 SQN - RAVEN (Pilatus PC-21) - 121.2500
GUARD - 121.5000
Williamtown Ground - 121.8000
Williamtown RAAF - 123.8500
Brisbane Centre - 125.7000
Williamtown Ground (Vehicles) - 127.2500
Williamtown Delivery - 130.3500
Fire & Rescue - 131.0000
VIOLET 1 - 133.1000
Approach (high) - 133.3000
ATIS (Weather) - 134.4500
81WG DACT - 135.1500
BRASS 01 - 135.6250
Approach (low) - 135.7000
VIOLET 2 - 135.7500
BRASS 02 - 135.7750
BRASS 03 - 135.9250
2SQN - EAGLE (PC-21 Trainer) - 136.0250
SQN MAINT (2SQN) - 136.0500
VIOLET 3 - 136.7000

4SQN RAVEN (Pilatus PC-21) - 233.1000
AQUA 14 - 234.9000
2OCU HAWKEYE (F35 Lightning) - 238.2000
3SQN RAIDER (F35 Lightning) - 238.6000
F35 Lightning (Callsign MAPLE) - 238.8000
4SQN REAPER (Pilatus PC-21) - 239.5500
GREY 01 - 240.2000
AQUA 13 - 240.8000
Williamtown Tower - 243.0000
GREY 02 - 245.6000
75SQN CONDOR (Hornet) - 247.7000
GREY 03 - 252.2000
ABM Force Marshal (WHITE) - 253.3000
F35 Lightning (SHOGUN) - 253.6000
RUBY 16 - 254.0000
2OCU HIPSHOT (F35 Lightning) - 254.6000
F35 Lightning (Callsign HIPSHOT) - 254.8000
77SQN PIRATE (Hornet) - 255.6000
F35 Lightning (Various Callsigns) - 256.5000
AQUA 24 - 259.4000
Range Primary - 260.0000
Approach (high) - 261.4000
1SQN (Several) - 263.7000
Range Secondary - 263.9000
2SQN - EAGLE (PC-21 Trainer) - 264.4000
GREY 04 - 265.0000
6SQN SABRE (EA-18G Growler) - 265.9000
AQUA 15 - 266.0000
75SQN BUZZARD (Hornet) - 270.5000
AQUA 22 - 270.8000
GREY 05 - 275.3000
75SQN CLASSIC (Hornet) - 275.8000
6SQN SWITCHBLADE (EA-18G Growler) - 279.8000
Williamtown Tower - 280.9000
F35 Lightning (Various Callsigns) - 282.5000
AQUA 23 - 282.7000
RUBY 27 -287.2000
PLUM 01 - 287.9000
F35 Lightning (ZULU) - 288.6000
Approach (low) - 293.4000
RUBY 26 - 295.7000
AQUA 21 - 296.2000
PLUM 02 - 296.4000
3SQN - BARON (F35 Lightning) - 301.1000
YELLOW 1 - 301.5000
PLUM 03 - 306.4000
76SQN - PANTHER (Hawk 127) - 309.9000
PLUM 04 - 310.5000
YELLOW 2 - 311.1000
77SQN - DESPOT (Hornet) - 311.6000
75SQN BLACKBIRD (Hornet) - 312.3000
1SQN CANNON (Super Hornet) - 315.0000
ATIS - 316.1000
82 Wing OPS - 316.2000
81WG DACT - 317.4500
76SQN CHEETAH (Hawk 127) - 318.5500
BRONZE 19 - 319.5000
1SQN COLT (Super Hornet) - 320.5000
PLUM 05 - 320.7000
RUBY 25 - 320.9000
1SQN CARNAGE (Super Hornet) - 322.5000
6SQN SONIC (EA-18G Growler) - 323.1000
F35 Lightning (Various Callsigns) - 324.4000
BRONZE 20 - 326.1000
Williamtown RAAF - 329.6000
F35 Lightning (Various Callsigns) - 336.0000
IRON 01 - 337.3000
76SQN TIGER (Hawk 127) - 338.2000
77SQN WARLOCK (Hornet) - 339.2000
IRON 02 - 340.5000
75SQN MAGPIE (Hornet) - 340.9000
6SQN SAVAGE (EA-18G Growler) - 344.1000
76SQN PUMA (Hawk 127) - 345.4000
RUBY 18 - 351.1000
IRON 03 - 352.3000
76SQN BOBCAT (Hawk 127) - 352.6000
YELLOW 3 - 358.3000
1SQN CARBINE (Super Hornet) - 359.2000
SILVER 01 (Command & Control Net) - 360.6000
BRONZE 30 - 361.5000
ARDU MAINT - 362.7000
6SQN SWORD/CUTLASS (EA-18G Growler) - 362.8000
RUBY 17 - 365.8000
77SQN VIKING (Hornet) - 369.1000
RUBY 28 - 370.4000
BRONZE 31 - 371.6000
BRONZE 32 - 372.2000
BRONZE 33 - 375.5000
3SQN APACHE (F35 Lightning) - 376.5000
F35 Lightning (Callsign APACHE) - 376.6000
BRONZE 29 - 378.5000
F35 Lightning (HOODOO) - 382.0000
2OCU HUNTER (F35 Lightning) - 382.4000
IRON 04 - 384.8000
76SQN LEOPARD (Hawk 127) - 387.4500
76SQN COUGAR (Hawk 127) - 389.2500
Air Movements - XMT1B - 392.4500
SQN MAINT - 392.8000
Salt Ash Weapons Range - XMT2A - 393.7000
Surface Movements Control Vehicle - 394.4000
Head Quarters Air Command ( Exercise ) - 394.5000
Head Quarters Air Command ( Exercise ) - 394.6000
Head Quarters Air Command ( Exercise ) - 394.8000
Head Quarters Air Command ( Exercise ) - 394.9000
SQN MAINT (77SQN) - 395.0250
Head Quarters Air Command ( Exercise ) - 395.0500
Aviation Fuel Supply - 395.1500
Base Control Point - 395.2250
6SQN MAINT - 395.3500
Air Transportable Telecommunications Unit - 395.4000
PABX Tactical No. 2 - 395.4750
ESN / SAR - PABX Tactical No. 1 - 395.5250
Security / Base Control Point - 395.7500
Explosive Ordinance - EODF - 395.9250
Air Movements Section Operations - XMT1C - Tower - 397.5250
Operational Support Service PABX Tactical No 1 - 397.6250
481 Wing   Barrier Training - 397.9750
Raaf Police Discreet Channel - 398.0750
481 Wing   XMT3C - Engine - 398.1250
2 OCU - XMT2C - 398.3500
Fire Control Repeater - 398.4750
CTCSS Repeater - 398.6500
Spare Repeater - 398.8750
Williamtown RAAF - 440.6500
Williamtown RAAF - 441.5000



Hawk MK127 Jet (above)




(photos by Michael Bailey)

    F35A (above)

Tuesday, November 12, 2024

Monday, November 11, 2024


 Hello and Welcome Back...

A new feature i've added to my programming Masterfile is Bank 6 = 'Express PSN'

So what is 'Express PSN'?..

When I do a program for Uniden Radio Scanners (436pt / 536pt & SDS100 / SDS200), I will often ask the customer where they live. With this information, I program the PSN (Public Safety Network) using the N, S, E & W method.

Meaning, if the customer lives say Penrith, then i will program for Penrith & surrounds (Nepean Hospital, St Marys, Westfields Penrith), then W = West (Katoomba, Wentworth Falls, Springwood, Glenbrook), then S = South (Razorback, Gregory Hills, Liverpool, Horsley Park), E = East (Gov Phillip Tower, Homebush, Parramatta) then finally, N = North (Windsor, Kurrajong Heights)

Each PSN tower in this area is unlocked (there are around 460 sites in my database of PSN towers) but then I thought 'What If The Customer Goes Outside These Areas / Travels Around NSW?' so I designed the 'Express PSN' bank (Bank 6)

What 'Express PSN' does is, it has every control channel frequency in one bank, all active... So, technically, you could have your scanner programmed for Penrtih but travel out to Dubbo or Bathurst and the scanner would work as it searches the active frequencies for that area

 'Express PSN' does all the work. The scanner will search the 155 control frequencies scattered around NSW, lock into an active frequency and decode, letting you listen to the PSN Network no matter where you are in NSW... or Queensland. I recently tested the Express PSN bank in Broadbeach QLD and its worked excellently. I was picking up around 4 towers with excellent signal.

So, if you travel, 'Express PSN' is the bank for you.. 

To get the best out of 'Express PSN', be sure to use an antenna with gain, the more the better. The PSN network loves a strong signal and using an antenna with heaps of gain make the work so much more easier

If you own a Uniden 436pt / 536pt / SDS100 & SDS200 Radio Scanner and would like this function on your scanner, check out this link here =

Happy Scanning 




