Apart from a Military exercise about to happen in America (Jade Helm 15 (Starts July 15th)), Australia has one of their own happening now.
Called Talisman Sabre 15, its a Joint Military operation being conducted over 20 days from early to mid July till Mid August 2015 and involves up to 30,000 US and Australian troops. It is the largest combined military exercise undertaken by the Australian Defence Force (ADF).
Defence forces from New Zealand (500 personnel) and Japan (40 personnel) also will join in the exercise.
The exercise involves the Royal Australian Navy, the Royal Australian Air Force and the Australian Army in conjunction with US Marine Corps, US Navy and US Air Force. In 2015, the Australian forces participating in the Exercise will also include elements of the New Zealand Defence Forces.
The exercises incorporate land-based, air and maritime activities conducted at various locations
within the Northern Territory (Darwin), Queensland (Rockhamton airport is buzzing at the moment, Townsville) and the Coral, Timor and Arafura Seas.
For Radio and Military enthusiasts, Shortwave comms should be active (hopefully not digital) but also try out the Military Band as well and VHF Low band (see below)
Shortwave = 1 - 25mhz
VHF Low Band = 30 - 85 Mhz
Military UHF = 225 - 400 Mhz
Remember... Most of the times, Radio Comms change daily as do callsigns.
Also try App for Iphone called LiveATC or check below in LINKS for the PC version... Townsville Airport is under Australia section and is the last one as you scroll down or enter Airport code YBTL
I also want to wish the dedicated men and women of our Defense Forces a safe exercise and hopefully never get to use the real thing... Sadly, in the state of the world today... nothing is uncertain.
Some of the Equipment used in Talisman Sabre 15
Check out those VHF / HF antennas
Thanks to News Corp Australia for the photos