Monday, March 10, 2025


Hello and Welcome Back... 

Radio Programming Services Available ... 


NSW Radio & Communications offer a programming service for Uniden Radio Scanners for NSW / Canberra Region Only (Australia)


The Masterfile (Version 7.6) on offer = 

** BANKS ** (Masterfile 7.6)

00 = Express PSN - Emergency Services Only (Rural Fire, Ambulance, Fire & Rescue & SES)

01 = PSN Programmed (Public Safety Network) - Ambulance, Fire & Rescue, Rural Fire, SES (State Emergency Service), Marine Rescue, VRA (Vol Rescue Assoc), NPWS, State Rail, Surf Life Savers, RTA, & Heaps More..

02 = PSN Programmed (Emergency Services Only)

03 = Express PSN, NSW Wide Control Chs Activated

04 = RURAL FIRE NSW - inc Aviation (Helicopters / Aircraft), Fireground, PMR (Private   Mobile Radio), NPWS (Nat Parks & Wildlife) & NSW Forestry

05= MEDICAL / RESCUE inc Air Medical, Community Medics, Surf Rescue (DMR enabled), Hospitals, VRA & More

06 = LOCAL COMMS - Shopping Centres, Jails, Bus Companys (DMR needed), Rail, Transport, AM CB, Badgerys Creek Airport, Entertainment Venues, Hillsong Church, Media, Security, and heaps more.

07 = UHF CB (80ch) Great for travelling

08 = Marine Radio (includes Marine Rescue)

09 = MILITARY - RAAF / NAVY / ARMY - Richmond RAAF, Williamtown RAAF, UHF Milcom & More..

10 = SYDNEY AIRPORT - Main Airport Comms

11 = AIRLINE COMPANYS - REX, Qantas, Virgin, Swissport, Cargo/Freight & More

12 = NSW AIRPORTS - Bankstown & Camden, Wollongong, CTAF (NSW Wide) & More...

13 = ORION CONNECT PLUS (DMR) Bus Company's, Various Private Business & More

14 = ORION CAPMAX TRUNK (DMR) - Various Business/ Buses

15 = Orion GENCOM (DMR) - Mostly Central Coast Business

16 = GRAVITY MEDIA (Trunked DMR Network)
17 = MOTOR RACING - Bathurst, Eastern Creek, Newcastle (Gravity Media (Pit Crews, Flags, Medical))

18 = FM RADIO (good for testing antenna range)


MASTERFILE 7.6 (Full Scanner Program - Included Banks 0 - 18)

$40 Email or $50 Post (Micro-SD Card included with post version)

Please give us 24 hours to modify the Master File for your area, Transfer to Card and Post (we will send you a email with your backup File, instructions and post date)

Uniden 436PT, 536PT, SDS100, SDS200 radios only

 Both Options Come With Online Card Backup (If your card get corrupted or deleted, you have an online backup, instructions included

*** HOW TO PAY  ***

1. Using this Website, Click on the 'DONATE' tab on the top right corner of this page below "Shout Me A Coffee" & Deposit the correct amount
This Method uses Paypal, you don't need an account and takes about 30sec of your time
2. In the Notes section in 'Paypal', please state that its for 'Radio Programming, Option 1 or 2' (Email or Post) and dont forget to include an address if sending card by post. Also include 'Radio Model, eg SDS100' and area to program for.. eg Penrith, Campbelltown, ect, ect. Most of the Masterfile is NSW Wide but some programming require more details for a better scanning experience.

Please allow 24 hours for your instructions, post date (if posted) and online backup link to be emailed to you, it also it gives us time to find frequencies for your area. 



1. - We live in NSW... The Masterfile we give to you is the same one we use, Its just modified for your needs, that way, if somethings not working, we will know about it.. Took us 6 months to build..

2. - NSW Radio & Communications was the founder of the COW (Cell on Wheels) frequency list on PSN/GRN Network...
After searching for nearly 2 days, we found that the COW Portable systems to have a 'NSW Wide' assignment attached to them, which means if your tower goes down for maintenance, the COW system will kick in & because our MasterFile includes all NSW Wide COW frequencies, you will be able to continue to listen...
3. - NSW Radio & Communications was who worked out settings for the 436PT/536PT that needed to be changed in order to receive the PSN/GRN properly, the settings needed to be more sensitive to decode properly.
4. NSW Radio & Communications was the Inventor of the 'Express PSN' Setup - NSW Wide PSN scan in one bank

5. 40 year experience with Radio Scanners



UBCD396T / XT (ask for price)
UBCD325P2 (ask for price)
UBCD536PT (Desktop)
USDS200 (Desktop)



It is highly recommended that if you own a Uniden Scanner 325P2, 436PT, 536PT, SDS100 & SDS200, that you do a DMR & NXDN upgrade through Uniden as 40% of our Masterfile uses DMR & NXDN Frequency's (ask how)



Sentinel / Freescan / Proscan /




Hope to Hear From You Soon..






** NOTE **  Terms & Conditions

Please note = No refunds issued for completed Masterfile

It's up to yourself to have the technical knowledge to apply the Masterfile that has been emailed /posted to you. The Masterfile is the same as NSW Radio & Communications use so we know it works and has been verified as working.

Also, its not up to us to teach you how to work YOUR scanner. NSW Radio & Communications will try and help as much as we can to a point, but its up to YOU to learn how YOUR scanner works.

Continuing to ask meaningless questions on why, when , how will see you blocked.. We program our way, We don't need to explain to you why we have programmed things the way we do, all you need to know is that, your scanner will work and work well* 

The step by step instructions are a guide only. 

NSW Radio & Communications offer this service AS IS, meaning... We don't claim that its 100% correct, as whats good for us, may not be good for you.. We are not professionals, just a fellow hobbyists offing a programming service to get you started.

The setup is designed to get you started and then you can add, modify or delete to make it your own.
While this file is the same one we use so we know it works but sometimes things change.
Please have patience as we will endeavor to fix any problems that should they arise.

For an easy to read scanner manual for the 436PT =

For an easy to read scanner manual for the SDS100 =

For an easy to read scanner manual for the 325P2 =


* = You need an antenna with gain for the radio to work properly  

NSW Radio & Communications 2025












Monday, March 3, 2025


 Hello and Welcome Back... Thought we would do a post on Masterfile (card) updates, whats involved and how much does it cost..(For Uniden 436, 536, SDS100, SDS200 (USDS100 / USDS200)

So, each week at NSW Radio & Communications, we do a scout around across various websites = ACMA, Facebook, NSW PSN, Radio Chat Forums, ect, ect looking for changes to radio frequencies. 

Just lately, NSW PSN has gone thru various changes to TGIDs, most recently to NSW Fire & Rescue. Sometimes these changes can be minor and other times can be signifigant taking us the best part of 6-8 hours to rewrite a new TGID list while deleting the old one.

Other times, an update might be someting we have thought of, or a customer has suggested, or has asked for it. 

Express PSN is one of those things. 

Express PSN is a bank with every Control Ch listed and active. Great if you travel alot knowing no matter where you are in NSW, as long as you have an antenna setup that has gain (most UHF CB Antennas have 4-8db gain), you can almost be guaranteed* that you will pick something up 

Other PSN banks have been born because customers have requested 'Ambulance Only' or 'Rural Fire Only' because they work or have an interest in that one thing, once again, we have thought 'how do we make this happen'? and thru hours and hours of testing, have come up with a solution adding it to the masterfile

The current Masterfile is at 7.5 with 7.6 out shortly.. (keep checking this site)

So, whats changed or have we just 'moved banks around' to make it look good?

Firstly PSN, (Bank 0-3), utilising bank 0 for the first time, see's 'Express PSN (Public Safety Network)' with only Emergency Services active in this bank, so thats Rural Fire, Fire & Rescue, SES & NSW Ambulance with NSW wide control frequencies. 

Bank 1 = The normal 'Site Programmed' NSW PSN with the new Fire & Rescue TGIDs ready to go. Full government users (about 35 users) are active. 

Bank 2 = Is a narrowed down version of Bank 1 with only Emergency users (Rural Fire, Fire & Rescue, SES & NSW Ambulance) programmed in.

Bank 3 = Is Express PSN with all Government Users and all PSN Control Frequencies active 

Bank 4 = Will be NSW Rural Fire (Analogue & PMR) with new VHF only bank, Updates to Mid North Coast & NPWS

Bank 5 = Sees updates to Surf Rescue (updated every summer) Mid North Coast and new bank 'Surf Life Saving Australia' used at pools and waterways 

Bank 6 = Is local comms with UHF CB moved to a new bank (Bank 7).. great for traveling and NSW Marine moved to Bank 8 (for marine lovers, boaties).. Updates to Mid North Coast & Media (updates Gravity Media)

Bank 7 & 8  = Now UHF CB only & NSW Marine only (Bank 8 includes Marine Rescue as well)

Bank 9 = Military with updates to Williamtown RAAF (streamlining 3 lots of frequencies into 1)

Bank 10 = Includes updates to Western Sydney Airport.. (the Western Sydney Airport may get its own bank in the future) 

Bank 11 = Airline Companys, updated to include all NSW wide aircraft users not just Sydney Airport as previous masterfile versions

Bank 12 = Local Airports, Updates to Mid North Coast, Mudgee airports

Bank 13 = Orion Connect Plus DMR Network.. Updated locations. I do believe that Connect Plus is sited to shut down with users headed to Capmax Network (Bank 14)

Bank 14 = Orion Capmax Trunked Network.. Updated around every 3-6 months

Bank 15 = Orion Gencom (no updates)

Bank 16-17 = Motor Racing, these banks will be blended into one bank as V8 Supercar Frequencies can no longer be listened to (Digital Encryption).. Bank 16 will be Gravity Media DMR Trunked network (still working on that) while Bank 17 will be Motor Racing and will include Gravity Media (non trunked), pit crews, flag marshalls, track crew and other racing teams.. May change racing bank to 16 while i nut out Gravity Media. Racing banks will include Bathurst, Eastern Creek & Newcastle

Bank 18 = FM Radio (good for testing antenna setup)


Masterfile 7.6 is due for release this week or next week, still have a few finishing touches to do.. (keep checking this site)



Updates for exsisting customers  = Card Version $40 (includes new card posted to you), Email Version = $30

Why is not Free?

The Masterfile is free to those customers who have had a card done recently, meaning a few weeks ago, not years down the track. It takes time to do something properly and thats what we do.

When we do a update, everything gets re-done (re-programed) from scratch, which takes around 4-6 hours, not just added bits here and there, that way any old frequencies are not mixed with new frequencies / TGIDs. which can cause overlapping in the scanner and making the scanner run erratic..

If your going to do a job, do it properly, after all, its the Masterfile we use here at NSW Radio & Communications, so we know it works and is up to date, selling you the same file we use and love for simplicity and useability..

To request an update, using the Donate Link (top right of this page), put in the correct amount and in 'Notes' section, put UPDATE 

Hope this Helps

The team at NSW Radio & Communications 


* = must be in radio range

Tuesday, February 25, 2025


 Hello and Welcome Back... Confirmation from listener 'Sean' that V8 Supercars radio frequencies are no longer able to be listened on a radio scanner thanks to encryption. 

They used to be NXDN (Kenwood)

Not sure on other racing like Bathurst 12 hour, they may be still ok..

Media (Gravity Media) and pit crews still seem to be ok. 

Its just the car frequencies that are encrypted..




Sunday, January 26, 2025


Hello and Welcome Back... Bathurst Airport is located in the Mid Western Regional of NSW.

Airport Code = YBTH




120.600 - Airport Comms
120.800 - Helicopter Opps
122.700 - Gliders
122.750 - Melb Centre
127.350 - CTAF
133.050 - Bris Centre
133.250 - AWIS (Weather)
135.250 - Ground (Melb Centre)






Hello and Welcome Back... Mudgee Airport is located in the Mid Western Regional (N / E Bathurst) of NSW.

Airport Code = YMDG




126.700 - CTAF
133.050 - Bris Centre





Hello and Welcome Back... Cessnock Airport is located near the suburb of Pokolbin, Hunter Region of NSW. 

Airport is also known as 'Hunter Valley Airport'

Airport Code = YCNK




119.600 - Airport Comms
122.650 - CTAF
125.700 - Bris Centre
134.050 - AWIS (Weather)





Hello and Welcome Back... Maitland Airport is located in the suburb of Rutherford (West of Newcastle) Hunter Region of NSW.

Airport Code = YMND



122.650 - CTAF
125.700 - Ground (Bris Centre)
119.100 - Royal Newcastle Flying Club



